Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International


Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International [3046-8914 (Print) and 3046-9694 (Online)] is a double-blind peer-reviewed, and open-access journal dedicated to disseminating all information contributing to the understanding and development of the fields of engineering and technology across various disciplines. MJAEI aims to be a platform for researchers, scientists, and practitioners in various engineering disciplines to share their knowledge and innovative ideas, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and contribute to technological and scientific advancements. We invite authors from around the world to contribute to the advancement of engineering and technology fields. MJAEI publishes three editions a year in March, July and November. This journal has been indexed by CopernicusHarvard University, Boston UniversityDimensions, ScilitCrossref, Web of Science GarudaGoogle Scholar, and BaseMJAEI Journal has authors from 3 Countries (Nepal, India, and Nigeria). Smiley faceSmiley faceSmiley face

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