EDUMALSYS Journal of Research in Education Management
EDUMALSYS Journal of Research in Education Management [2988-1196 (Print) and 2988-1188 (Online)] provides those interested in the effective management of the educational process with a broad overview of developments and best practice in the field, with particular reference to how new ideas can be applied worldwide. EDUMALSYS is an international, online, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal. This Journal publishes research papers, theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, and book reviews on all aspects of educational policy and management. All articles should be in English or Arabic. The Journal has published 3 editions a year in March, July, and November (Unless there is co-publication with conference organizers). EDUMALSYS journal has been indexed by Copernicus, EuroPub, Harvard University, Boston University, Dimensions, Scilit, Crossref, Web of Science Garuda, Google Scholar, and Base. EDUMALSYS Journal has authors from 6 Countries (Indonesia, Tanzania, India, Nepal, Nigeria, and Cambodia).
Journal description
The Journal of Research in Education Management, a leading voice in the scholarship of teaching and learning, is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning in the management and organizational disciplines. Our published articles reflect changes and developments in the conceptualization, organization, and practice of education management. This Journal maintains a long-standing editorial commitment to growth, learning, and innovation and uses a developmental approach in working with authors throughout the review process so that they may communicate their ideas and insights to others.
While our target audience is university educators teaching in the management and organizational studies domain, our broader constituency includes administrators, managers, trainers, consultants, and coaches.
Regular Features
- Research Articles… qualitative and/or quantitative studies that directly affect teaching strategies and/or learning while emphasizing the pedagogical implications of these studies so that readers can apply the findings to their own teaching practice
- Theoretical and Conceptual Articles… explore contemporary issues in management education with the purpose of building new theories or critiquing existing ones
- Essays… thoughtfully reflect on and discuss important teaching and learning issues in management education; may contain first-person narrative accounts presenting lessons learned from personally challenging experiences in teaching management or present well-developed arguments for revising what is taught in management education
- Rejoinders… engage with controversial or provocative essays or articles by offering different perspectives on the theme or focus
- Instructional Innovations… present cutting-edge, experientially-oriented teaching and learning approaches with sufficient detail and evidence of effectiveness for readers to implement the activities in their own environments
- Instructional Change in Context… describe, analyze, and evaluate teaching or curricular change initiatives within specific institutional or cultural contexts that provide inspiration to readers who may be in the same or a similar situation.
The scope of the journal covers following topics, but is not limited to:
- Educational management and governance,
- Policy-making process in education,
- Implementation and impact of educational policies,
- Educational and instructional leadership,
- Educational systems and school organization,
- Research theory, design, methods and evaluation in educational policy and management,
- Economy and financial management in education,
- School effectiveness and school improvement,
- Strategic planning in education,
- Entrepreneurship in education,
- Gender, race and social issues in educational policy and management,
- Political ideologies and educational systems,
- Professional organisations for teachers and educational staff,
- Educational policies and social change.