ALSYSTECH Journal of Education Technology
ALSYSTECH Journal of Education Technology [2988-4403 (Print) and 2988-442X (Online)] deals with systems in which technology and education interface and is designed to inform educators who are interested in making optimum use of technology. More importantly, the Journal focuses on techniques and curriculum that utilize technology in all types of education systems. Description of actual classroom practice and experimentation with the educational use of technology is an equally important aspect of the Journal. The Journal targets both researchers, practitioners and policy-makers of education technology and online distance learning fields. All articles should be in English or Arabic. This Journal publishes 3 editions a year in January, May and September (Unless there is co-publication with conference organizers). ALSYSTECH journal has been indexed by Copernicus, EuroPub, Harvard University, Boston University, Dimensions, Scilit, Crossref, Web of Science Garuda, Google Scholar, and Base. ALSYSTECH Journal has authors from 4 Countries (Indonesia, India, Nigeria, and Nepal).